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حسب التمرين





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يستفيد المبتدئون الذين يمارسون التمارين الرياضية المتقدمة من صناديق بليو Life Fitness لأن هذه الصناديق تعد طريقة ممتازة للقيام بالقفزات الصندوق وقفزات الصندوق وقفزات وضعية القرفصاء والانحدارات المرتفعة و المنخفضة دون أي حواف صلبة أو ارتفاعات شاهقة مخيفة.
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السعر 1,522.60 ر.س.‏

When you buy the Total Body Reinvention pack, you’re not just getting seriously effective equipment. You’re getting your own private gym, plus the scientific guidance of a 12 week workout plan. All you’ll need to shape your entire body, from the comfort of your place.

Pack features the SMARTBAR™ bar and weights system. So you activate your muscles how they’re supposed to - giving you faster results from all those squats, rows and BODYPUMP™ classes.

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0 Review(s)
السعر 573.85 ر.س.‏

Imagine converting your home into a high-performance mind-body space. Introducing the MBX MAT™. 1 mat, 2 purpose-built surfaces for yoga and dynamic exercise. Specifically designed for any time you need immediate relief from the stress that comes along with your busy life. Calm the mind, strengthen the body.

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مايزون سويتش رباط معصم بديل...

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السعر 126.50 ر.س.‏

.عندما تشعر بالانتعاش في كل حركة مثل الجري في الغابة ، تميز بمظهرك مع ملحقات مايزون الجديدة

  .الخاص بك ، طريقك ... حركتك. يحتوي هذا الشراء على رباط للمعصم والساعد. كلا الحزامين مقاس واحد يناسب الجميع ويأتي مع ضمان لمدة ثلاثة أشهر. يرجى ملاحظة: أحزمة الصدر متوفرة باللون الأحمر فقط MEPs

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TRX Conditioning Rope 1.5x30

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السعر 621.00 ر.س.‏

Give these ropes a swing—TRX Battle Ropes help you get a full-body, cardio-pumping, and endurance-challenging workout through slams, waves, jacks, throws and pulls. Comfortable rubber grips keep you holding on no matter how hard you sweat, and heavy-duty, tightly braided construction won’t fray or break. Squat low and build your upper body with core-engaging exercises. Available individually in 30 FT and 50 FT.

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TRX Strength Er Band...

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السعر 103.50 ر.س.‏

Full-length bands for full-body training on the go. These stretchy bands are the ultimate tool for adding in extra resistance without any impact. The Strength Band’s ability to create more time under tension means your muscles put in 100% effort through the full range of motion for every move, every time. The result? Better strength, endurance, and power. Plus, it's perfect for post-workout stretching, aiding in sports rehabilitation or making a training move more manageable (like looping it around a bar for some pull-up assistance).

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TRX Weighted Jump Rope

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السعر 126.50 ر.س.‏

Cardio and strength in one. Turn your jump rope intervals into strengthening sessions with weighted handles that tire out arms more quickly than you can say "double under." Extra grippy handles enhance your ability to hold on through every weighted rep while your heart rate shoots up from the extra resistance. Removable weights instantly transform your workouts into speed session. Solid PVC roper interior for long-lasting durability.